Dawson Creek

“Together We Can”

Date: 26/08/2024
Location: Nawican Bergeron Youth and Cultural Centre
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: Nawican Friendship Centre
Contact: Any staff member at the Nawican Friendship Centre
Phone: 250 784 0061
Email: nbycc@nawican.ca

Aug 26 we will have free Naloxone training
Aug 28 There will be a movie about empathy and stopping the stigma
Aug 29 There will be some rock painting that will go to a special rock garden that will be for all the people we have lost due to the crisis
Aug 31 There will be a silent march from the N.A.R park to the NBYCC to honor and remember all the ones that have left us to soon, there will be a sacred fire, a safe place to share at the end of the walk and there will also be people onsite that are available to talk if there is a need to get more support that have been trained to deal with trauma situations